Many companies only hire 1 day at a time (insecurity)
Foreman exercised absolute control – fire for any reason, discriminate
Economic: People deserve better lives than this
Need to afford decent housing, clothing food
Have to reflect democratic society
Business: are workers motivated? Loyal? Productive?
1913 Ford has TO rate of 10% — avg was 370%
Ford offered $5/day
Such low wages, consumers couldn’t afford / purchasing power
Ford workers couldn’t afford Ford until $5 wage
Strikes cost $$$
Mainstream Economics School
Economic activity of self-interested agents who interact in competitive markets
Efficiency, equity, voice achieved through competitive markets
Competition results in optimal allocation & pricing of resources
**Issue is economic failures are preventing markets from working properly
Best solution: competition! Other employers
Labor unions seen as monopoly on labor
Interfere with invisible hand of free-market competition
Seen as protecting lazy workers
Human Resource Management School
Labor problems stem from poor management
Common view is foreman drove workers til they broke down; drive for max production, then discard them
Solution: Better management
Independent unions seen as adversarial; anti-cooperation
“Companies get the union they deserve”
Unions like a fever; symptom of bad management
Industrial Relations School
Labor problem believed to stem from unequal bargaining power between corporations and individual workers
Persistent unemployment, company towns dominated by one employer, lack of savings; huge monopolies — have undue influence on market = workers have vastly inferior bargaining power
Solution: increase workers’ bargaining power by forming independent labor unions and pursuing collective bargaining
Critical Industrial Relations School
Capitalist institutions do not simply exist but are created by society
Dominant groups design/control institutions to serve their interests
Construct HR to serve their interests
Solution: significant restructuring of the nature of capitalism; replace with socialism